A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.
-Jill Scott-

onsdag 14. desember 2011

" And without the sense of belonging.....

...... one can be said to be made non-human and even seize to exist as one becomes socially dead" ( Chabal 2009; 47)

This is a good statement and something to reflekt upon in OUR everyday lives.... How does it feel to belonge, and what does it mean for me as a individe to feel that I do belong?

For me, it´s alph and omega! I love the sense of belonging, but exactly what gives me this feeling, I do not know! But I do know that friends, family, my Ambrose, being recognized for what I am and knowing the system do give me the feeling of a safe harbor. Being somewhere where this is redused makes you socially redused, but definitly not socially dead.....

So how alive are you?

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