A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.
-Jill Scott-

torsdag 13. oktober 2011

Company at Pimp Marens.

So.. it´s been a while since the last time I wrote, and since I was asked to do this in English, I´ll try! So this is for you mye friend, Vesla!

Well,... My time is spend with my head burried in articles, I spend some time at work, I hang out with some friends and I search for a home. I´m mesmerised about how difficult it is.... Well... maybe I found out why..People are not to interested in having a Pimp in their home.... When I was copy-pasting a section about my self, I discovered that I sometimes tell people that I have been working with prostitution (hor) at the Norwegian Youth Council ( LNU)... not that I have been working AT (hos) LNU... aich...

As you might know, I have lots of interesting and creative colleauges, and yeasterday I attended a consert of Barrock music where one of them mastered the Chello in a beautifull way. Then Hanna, Linni and I went for a coffe. I bought Orange-chocolate coffe, and I liked it ALLOT!!! Yummy! And I I was recomended a cool café here in Copenhagen, so I have to try it one day....Anyhow.... Tomorrow my friend Trine is coming, and I´m looking forward to playing tourist in Copenhagen :) It´s allways fun! Maybe I have to charge my camera and to visit that Café!! My roomie Heidi told me about the cultural night that is held tomorrow too... so that´s just too too nice! A good friend and a weekend with a happening.. and we did not know it when we planed for it!!!

In school I have been reading about the Luo (jiluo) of Kenya. It was very interesting,this is just one among many things, SO I learn new stuff all the time! I´ve also read about the development of humanitarian relief, and they went deeper into the case of Famine in Ethiopia in 1984. I´m provoked and triggerd and curious at the same time. There is so much knowledge out there that I NEED TO LEARN! And more importante, WANT to learn! But the Professor has aqtually quoted me in class.. When he said; "Yes, and as Maren said....." I felt so proud! Hehe... And when he continued to say what I said, I was just dazzeld whit all the clever things "I" said :)

So, life in Copenhagen is still good, and getting better all the time! All I wish for is a house in Copenhagen, a good job when I´m done, a good job for my man, a Modest income (read couple of millions ;) ), a couple of houses by the sea in Norway ( one in Kr.sand and one in Oslo-area), an A (ore 12) at school, a nice care, and ofcause I would love to be blessed with cute intelligente and healthy kids when the time for children arrives.... Just modest wishes for the future...

Maybe I should have continued to Pimp at LNU :P

1 kommentar:

  1. Haha! Hillarious med det pimp-greiene!
    Og forresten..fine fremtidsdrømmer. Beskjedne ønsker for fremtiden ja..hehe! Alt er mulig :o) Håper du deler litt med dine venner på østkanten da ;o)
