I left Denmark, but my project of becoming a butterfly did not
Stop....and I have come to realize that it will never stop! If I let them, and I try to let them!Every day is a new day and might bring a new color to decorate my wings... I feel so blessed! Am facing the world as an "adult" with all the right tools, friends and resources. I can do what ever I want, don't have a permanent job, but have a short time job for now, and it is exiting. Working within tv-production. Quite exiting! And I do learn a lot. About tv, humans, what we film and my self. And off cause about the concept of shooting and creating a show. Lots of hours is behind those 30min.
What I do appreciate the most is to see all the people we film, how they often turn troubles into joy, how they haven't had all the right tools but blossom when they are given them, and how they are slowly but surly transforming into really beautiful butterflies!!!!
I moved from a lonesome project to experience a joint project of becoming butterflies together!
A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.
-Jill Scott-
-Jill Scott-
fredag 7. september 2012
torsdag 16. august 2012
1st day of the rest of my life!
I entered the plain with a stone in my stomach. How do you defend your masters? I enter the school and do not calm down. I try to prepare even more but my min is not there.......I wait, I enter room 455 and I present, talk and defend. I leave, get called back in, Karen is smiling, and once again I leave the room. This time with a happy, not nervous smile on my face. It was time for me to enjoy Copenhagen and its sunny weather for some hours....just like an adult. I'm now an adult!
It's real surrealistic that yesterday was my last day as a student, and this time, I end my studies without the intention to go back for an other degree. When I ended the last time it was with the intention to work for some time and gather inspiration for my masters.... And I have a masters! Wow... I hold a masters.. Am happy and proud :)
Today I woke up to the first day if the of my life! Our life... Yesterday we have been married for three years too. So today is the start of our fourth year of love too! And what a great day. Ive decided to grab all opportunities that cross my path, so I'm going to spend a couple of months producing a tv show! Fun fun fun, challenging and exiting. So, my first day confirmed that I do have a project employment from Monday and on! Happy.com
Now I'm waiting to see what the rest of my adult life will bring!
It's real surrealistic that yesterday was my last day as a student, and this time, I end my studies without the intention to go back for an other degree. When I ended the last time it was with the intention to work for some time and gather inspiration for my masters.... And I have a masters! Wow... I hold a masters.. Am happy and proud :)
Today I woke up to the first day if the of my life! Our life... Yesterday we have been married for three years too. So today is the start of our fourth year of love too! And what a great day. Ive decided to grab all opportunities that cross my path, so I'm going to spend a couple of months producing a tv show! Fun fun fun, challenging and exiting. So, my first day confirmed that I do have a project employment from Monday and on! Happy.com
Now I'm waiting to see what the rest of my adult life will bring!
onsdag 1. august 2012
My inspiration...
And there... My inspirational butterfly/kipepeo/sommerfugl is up on my wall. Let's see if it attracts a job :)
mandag 30. juli 2012
søndag 1. juli 2012
Am one of "those old people"... Times change...
Blondie 1 to brunette; do you remember how old those guys were last night?
Brunette: 27!!!!
Blondie 1: how come we always meet those old people!
Blondie 2: hysj.... Maybe someone here is that old.. And it's not that old...
Brunette: well, it is compared to us....
Am sitting on the buss and five girls at 18-19 ( they mentioned their age too) are on their way back from a nice trip with the girls. It's not toooo long ago that I felt like 27 was really old...now its me! Time change! Now 27 is no age;)
Well, they sit here with their fancy phones, nice camera and laugh at the good and not so good shots from the weekend..One of the girls really bought poor food at 7/11 and the rest finds it hilarious... They are cute and it looks like they had a good vacation.
Times has changes since we were 18, but much remains. We bought food we thought was something else and laugh hard. We talked about the fun we had the weekend etc, BUT... I was 18 before the time of good cameras on the phone and when we still had film in our cameras.... So all the memorizing was done at least one week later when the pictures were done. And oh, how many fun, pleasant and unpleasant experiences that meant.
Long live Freddy the fuck fish! :)
Brunette: 27!!!!
Blondie 1: how come we always meet those old people!
Blondie 2: hysj.... Maybe someone here is that old.. And it's not that old...
Brunette: well, it is compared to us....
Am sitting on the buss and five girls at 18-19 ( they mentioned their age too) are on their way back from a nice trip with the girls. It's not toooo long ago that I felt like 27 was really old...now its me! Time change! Now 27 is no age;)
Well, they sit here with their fancy phones, nice camera and laugh at the good and not so good shots from the weekend..One of the girls really bought poor food at 7/11 and the rest finds it hilarious... They are cute and it looks like they had a good vacation.
Times has changes since we were 18, but much remains. We bought food we thought was something else and laugh hard. We talked about the fun we had the weekend etc, BUT... I was 18 before the time of good cameras on the phone and when we still had film in our cameras.... So all the memorizing was done at least one week later when the pictures were done. And oh, how many fun, pleasant and unpleasant experiences that meant.
Long live Freddy the fuck fish! :)
tirsdag 26. juni 2012
5days left...
In five days I'm back in Oslo :) and my heart feels like the photo... Not completely whole... I've started to really like Copenhagen, and I guess I will miss my new friends here when in Oslo, just like I missed those in Norway while in Denmark.... So I'm joyfully leaving with mixed feelings.
Five more days, then...bye for now!
Five more days, then...bye for now!
søndag 3. juni 2012
Puppen sprekker.....
Da er det UNDER en mnd til jeg har levert min avsluttende oppgave og hjemmeeksamen, og jeg kjenner at stresset presser på. Nest siste vakt på jobb var på fredag, og nå er det full fokus på oppgaven.... men det er sannelig ikke lett. Det er mange andre ting som opptar oppmerksomheten, blant annet at jeg snart går inni en peride hvor jeg er arbeidsledig og kanskje må "NAVE" litt.... Riktignok har både min mann og jeg betalt min skatt i noen år og slik bidratt til felleskassa og kan godt motta med godr samvittighet.....men jeg syns ikke det er noe kult å vite at jeg går en tid med kjemping for å vise min relevans i arbeidsmarkedet i møte. Jeg synes faktisk tanken på å nave er skikkelig kiip. Og dette tar jo litt fokus i form at jobbsøking mens jeg gjør skole og manglende konsentrasjon..... Jeg kjenner at puppen min sakte men sikkert slår sprekker, og min trygge "bolig" går i oppløsning. Reisen mot å bli en akademisk sommerfugl er sletts ikke så moro som man kan tro! Og tydligvis er det ikke så mange som ser hvor vakkre og fargerike mine vinger fyllt med kunnskap og erfaring er blitt (leses CV). JEG VIL HA JOBB! og jeg vil ha en ferdigskrevet oppgave basert på alt jeg har lest, tenkt og all min kunnskap levert ferdigformulert på min dør... det hadde vært utrolig deilig! Men jeg vet det er opp til meg å ferdigstille en god oppgave og å få ordren på tankene mine. Likevel jeg er enig med meg selv (og veileder) om at det blir spennende å se resultatet....
Så.. da er det bare å 100% fokusere og å prøve å innstille meg på å stå opp når jeg skal og å være effektiv så får jeg en killer oppgave å lever inn som revolusjonerer oppgaver innlevert til den profosjonelle masteren på CAS! Jeg vil ha en god karakter, og da er det bare å bite i det sure eplet selv om jeg ikke er noe glad i sure ting. "Lille larven aldri mett" liker det søte liv ;)
Så.. da er det bare å 100% fokusere og å prøve å innstille meg på å stå opp når jeg skal og å være effektiv så får jeg en killer oppgave å lever inn som revolusjonerer oppgaver innlevert til den profosjonelle masteren på CAS! Jeg vil ha en god karakter, og da er det bare å bite i det sure eplet selv om jeg ikke er noe glad i sure ting. "Lille larven aldri mett" liker det søte liv ;)
lørdag 17. mars 2012
Where there is space in the heart, it's space in the house- says an old saying.....
'Of course, recognizing our common humanity is only the be- ginning of our task. Words alone cannot meet the needs of our people. These needs will be met only if we act boldly in the years ahead; and if we understand that the challenges we face are shared, and our failure to meet them will hurt us all.'
- Obama 4 June 2009!
Words that needs to be repeated over and over and over again! Including, and maybe especially, in the Norwegian politics! Recognizing that all humans do have the same worth ALSO within our own boundaries, and not just if they ' go back to where you come from' would be a huge step for the Norwegian society. The recognition of a darker persons humanity could create a society where Norwegians as such is openly included!
A generous country giving so much money to other countries, a way to make it so easy no neglect those who live within our society! Our neighbors, friends and fellow inhabitants of our small small country with all the space in the world. Norway is the perfect example of a politics with no space in their heart,.....
- Obama 4 June 2009!
Words that needs to be repeated over and over and over again! Including, and maybe especially, in the Norwegian politics! Recognizing that all humans do have the same worth ALSO within our own boundaries, and not just if they ' go back to where you come from' would be a huge step for the Norwegian society. The recognition of a darker persons humanity could create a society where Norwegians as such is openly included!
A generous country giving so much money to other countries, a way to make it so easy no neglect those who live within our society! Our neighbors, friends and fellow inhabitants of our small small country with all the space in the world. Norway is the perfect example of a politics with no space in their heart,.....
torsdag 15. mars 2012
Et kvantitetssamfunn.
I går skulle jeg kjøpe egg, og logisk nok var det 20 egg for 20 kr og 10 egg for 30! Så, økonomisk som jeg er, kjøper jeg 20 egg. Egginnkjøpet er et resultat av at jeg har sopp som må spises, og da er jo egg godt. Men nå kommer jeg til å spise egg til den store gull-medaljen.
Det irriterer meg grenseløst å handle mat i Danmark! Alt, og da mener jeg absolutt alt, kommer i store pakker! Er du én blir du stuck i en ond sirkel av ensformig mat hvis ikke du er en kreativ sjel! Så, nå er det egg-retter for alle penga denne uken ( halleluja for oppskrifter på nettet)... dette er virkelig et samfunn hvor 'foreningen for single' har endel å ta fatt i! Jeg har da virkelig ikke behov for 20 egg eller en kilo løk, men å kjøpe det kvantum du har behov for er tilsynelatende umulig eller uøkonomisk. Iallfall på alle vanlige matbutikker. Og alt har superdårlig holdbarhet, så, jeg kjøper den kiloen og ender opp med å kaste masse...det er iallfall billigere enn å kjøpe så mye jeg hadde behov for....( ikke er det særlig sunt heller.... også brus og godteri kommer i større pakker enn vanlig- eks 2 l brus og en 6 pakk micropopp...)
Jeg spør meg selv hvor bærekraften i kvantumsverden er?
Det irriterer meg grenseløst å handle mat i Danmark! Alt, og da mener jeg absolutt alt, kommer i store pakker! Er du én blir du stuck i en ond sirkel av ensformig mat hvis ikke du er en kreativ sjel! Så, nå er det egg-retter for alle penga denne uken ( halleluja for oppskrifter på nettet)... dette er virkelig et samfunn hvor 'foreningen for single' har endel å ta fatt i! Jeg har da virkelig ikke behov for 20 egg eller en kilo løk, men å kjøpe det kvantum du har behov for er tilsynelatende umulig eller uøkonomisk. Iallfall på alle vanlige matbutikker. Og alt har superdårlig holdbarhet, så, jeg kjøper den kiloen og ender opp med å kaste masse...det er iallfall billigere enn å kjøpe så mye jeg hadde behov for....( ikke er det særlig sunt heller.... også brus og godteri kommer i større pakker enn vanlig- eks 2 l brus og en 6 pakk micropopp...)
Jeg spør meg selv hvor bærekraften i kvantumsverden er?
fredag 10. februar 2012
I'm refuse to be Jack!
After waving goodby to 2011 and shaking hands with (what I hope wasn't the devil) 2012, life in Coenhagen begins a fresh! Sure, there has been some cold unberable days, but "comes the light". 3 extra minutes every day feels like honey for my soul, sweeter than Coko, the salt in my soup!
In wrigthing moment I'm optimistic for this semester. School has started, and lectures are interesting and usefull. Am doing "Religion, Culture and Society in Africa" ( Thanks for the book, Marianne) pluss my assignment this semester, and I try to follow up on the interesting lectures of "Politics, Development and Change in Africa" despite not being signed up for it. It's good, and I guess very relevant for my future job, pluss the assignment, plus the Professor is great and from Zimbabwe :)
Got my first choice as mentor for my assignment, so now I just need to do my part and start reading like a geek, and become the I geek I think I could force my self to be!( Hope I can!)
So today I'm going to do some reading about Civil Society before I hit the town! Concert tonight.. stressful "uKanDanZ & Asnake Guebreyes" and Ethiopiques..... But at the name sais... Time to dance so it will be fun! Tingisha, Tingisha! I like to move it, move it, I like to move it, move it!
When it comes to my social life, I'm planning on actually do stuff I would like to do! And don't wait for my Norwegian friends to come and do the fun stuff with me! So, now I' m making social arrangements for like weeks a head, like I did at home, and it feels great!!! Only difference is that I do have to investigate, find out what to do and ask people to join... not just join others! So, that's kind of new to me in my adult life. Had lot's of initiative when being a youth, but after a while, that initiative paid of and I started getting invited. Am "going back to my roots, yeah!"
You need to offer others to get offered your selv... by på deg selv, as we say in Norwegian.
So this semester I need to offer, become a Geek, and enjoy!!! You know what they say; all work and no fun makes Jack a dull kid!
On monday the 20th I'm attending Spoken words and Music, And I think it will be great!!! I actually love spoken words! The way it flows with rythem and has a message. Like Hip-hip and Rap coming back to where it startet from! People expressing their opinions in a smooth and elegant way. Sometimes with contoroversial messages in an elegant poetic way. Easy to like...
Like Vibeke Falden - Skynd dig . Not so political, but a sweet critique of how many live their lives searching for happyness trought money.
I've come to love the vibrant music -environment in Copenhagen. It's always some concert to attend, for free in a bar or at a big concirt hall.....
I think I'm actually going to miss Copenhagen, and not just the people when I go back home.....
In wrigthing moment I'm optimistic for this semester. School has started, and lectures are interesting and usefull. Am doing "Religion, Culture and Society in Africa" ( Thanks for the book, Marianne) pluss my assignment this semester, and I try to follow up on the interesting lectures of "Politics, Development and Change in Africa" despite not being signed up for it. It's good, and I guess very relevant for my future job, pluss the assignment, plus the Professor is great and from Zimbabwe :)
Got my first choice as mentor for my assignment, so now I just need to do my part and start reading like a geek, and become the I geek I think I could force my self to be!( Hope I can!)
So today I'm going to do some reading about Civil Society before I hit the town! Concert tonight.. stressful "uKanDanZ & Asnake Guebreyes" and Ethiopiques..... But at the name sais... Time to dance so it will be fun! Tingisha, Tingisha! I like to move it, move it, I like to move it, move it!
When it comes to my social life, I'm planning on actually do stuff I would like to do! And don't wait for my Norwegian friends to come and do the fun stuff with me! So, now I' m making social arrangements for like weeks a head, like I did at home, and it feels great!!! Only difference is that I do have to investigate, find out what to do and ask people to join... not just join others! So, that's kind of new to me in my adult life. Had lot's of initiative when being a youth, but after a while, that initiative paid of and I started getting invited. Am "going back to my roots, yeah!"
You need to offer others to get offered your selv... by på deg selv, as we say in Norwegian.
So this semester I need to offer, become a Geek, and enjoy!!! You know what they say; all work and no fun makes Jack a dull kid!
On monday the 20th I'm attending Spoken words and Music, And I think it will be great!!! I actually love spoken words! The way it flows with rythem and has a message. Like Hip-hip and Rap coming back to where it startet from! People expressing their opinions in a smooth and elegant way. Sometimes with contoroversial messages in an elegant poetic way. Easy to like...
Like Vibeke Falden - Skynd dig . Not so political, but a sweet critique of how many live their lives searching for happyness trought money.
I've come to love the vibrant music -environment in Copenhagen. It's always some concert to attend, for free in a bar or at a big concirt hall.....
I think I'm actually going to miss Copenhagen, and not just the people when I go back home.....
mandag 9. januar 2012
søndag 1. januar 2012
Tre hjem.... En verdensborger ;)
Så er 2011 over og 2012 igang. En kickstart på året med venner og mann :) Etter en fin fest og en fin og avslappende tid i moderlandet, klarte jeg på nesten komme for sent til et ettermiddagsfly ! OPS! Fikk litt kjeft når jeg kom m bagasjen ca 20 min før flyavgangen med unnskyldningen at jeg hadde jo sjekka inn pr. mobil ..... Noen ganger er det fint med en "sjarmerende og søt" sørlandsdialekt.
Vel fremme i Køben ble jeg huket tak i av en fyr som ville vite hva jeg synes om det bagasje-hentings-rommet og han kunne bare ikke fatte at jeg egentlig ikke bryr meg så veldig mye om hvilken kust som henger hvor jeg henter bagasjen min! Etter en metro og busstur fikk jeg bært bagasjen opp de 5 etasjene til mitt lille rom. Mitt tredje hjem. For en merkelig følelse. TRE hjem!
For en ambvivalent følelse.... tre hjem. Jeg er hjemme over alt ;) Jeg er herved en verdensborger.. hehehe...
Vel fremme i Køben ble jeg huket tak i av en fyr som ville vite hva jeg synes om det bagasje-hentings-rommet og han kunne bare ikke fatte at jeg egentlig ikke bryr meg så veldig mye om hvilken kust som henger hvor jeg henter bagasjen min! Etter en metro og busstur fikk jeg bært bagasjen opp de 5 etasjene til mitt lille rom. Mitt tredje hjem. For en merkelig følelse. TRE hjem!
For en ambvivalent følelse.... tre hjem. Jeg er hjemme over alt ;) Jeg er herved en verdensborger.. hehehe...
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